About Dr. Renée Taylor

Who is Dr. Renée Taylor?
How is she going to help me?
We'll let her tell you herself...
A Letter from Dr. Taylor
You can call me Renée, if you want.
Ever since I was a kid, I've always been curious about why people do what they do. As a little Black girl from Scarborough who grew up with Jamaican parents and two brothers, I gained a strong appreciation for authenticity, diversity, openness, imagination, and self-improvement.
One day I received an opportunity that thousands of people really want but very few actually get.
I was blessed with the opportunity to immerse myself into the world of the human mind. After years of study, research, and training, I finally understood why people do the things they do (even when those things are not in the person's best interest and are making them unhappy). I also learned how the mind works; how to assess and heal the mind; how to overcome mental illness; how to have happy, loving, and satisfying relationships (with others and with yourself); how to achieve true lasting happiness; and more.
That's how I want to help you...
By sharing what I know with you, so you can live your best life and be the person you want to be. I don't want to just chat with you once a week for who knows how long and ask, "how do you feel about that?". I want to work with you for a period of time (that has a predetermined start and end point) to give you what you need to make lasting changes that you carry with you in your life long after our work together ends.
Over the years of doing this work, I have had the pleasure of seeing my clients accomplish their dream-outcomes and I want to do the same for you.